
How to create local YUM repository for offline use on RHEL7 for openstack.

Even though if one have valid redhat subscription it requires high speed internet to access them. While installing openstack queens version I faced this. I am new to openstack and was setting up 3 node cloud for my reference. Deployment was not as smooth as I was expecting. I had to scratch and re-install my VMs multiple time. Each scratch installation was followed by os update and openstack installation which consumes lot of internet data.  Later I found out solution to this, in form of offline repository. Now all operation I can follow without internet. Following are the steps  I have followed   : 1) Installed RHEL 7.5 and registered with developer subscription using internet. [root@localhost ~]# yum repolist  Loaded plugins: product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager repo id                                               repo name                                                                           status openstack-queens                           Open